Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Bugs Me

"Frogs get to eat what bugs them".

Having a discussion in the car with my wife today.  I have several (related) pet peeves.  I mentioned one, and in all fairness she has heard this many times so understandably she was not interested in hearing about it.  So, here is what bugs me:

1.  People taking too much time leaving their parking space when they see that you are waiting.  This is what set me off today, but it was a guy ahead of me getting gas at Costco.  With lines at every pump he took his sweet time loading two containers of gas, fishing keys out, chatting with attendent, and slowly pulling out.  There was a study done by a psychology professor about the parking phenomena of people taking longer when there are people waiting.  As I remember, it was something about territorialism.  It was shown that on average people take more time when there is a waiting person than when not. (update note:  see this study:

2.  Folks meandering across the street while you wait in your car.  To me, if someone is waiting, you need to walk briskly, not stroll.  Today a lady hustled across the marked crosswalk when I stopped for her.  Thank you!!!!  This particular thing is really bad when the pedestrian is jaywalking.  WTF do they think they are doing?  On a related note, back in high school we used to do this to a jaywalking slow pedestrian.  You shift your car into neutral, rev your engine, and lock your brakes simultaneously.  This sounds exactly like a car wreck and I will guarantee that no matter how "cool" the stroller is, they will jump a foot off the ground.  First time my buddy Ron did this the guy almost crapped his pants. LOL!

3.  In general, this applies to items 1 & 2, I do not appreciate people who are oblivious to others and think only of themselves.  Thinking of how this applies to poker, how often do you see the guy who is waiting for the action to come to him and is placing an order for food or drink, making the whole table wait for him?  Talking too much?  Ditto.

Time for a poetic quotation.

Oh wad some power the giftie gie us
To see oursel’s as others see us!

Robert Burns, 1759-1796

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Just want you to know that I always try to hurry out of my parking spot and/or cross the street if I see someone waiting. I hate that crap too. I don't mind the poker delays as to food too much because the waitresses are told not to bug a player when they are in a hand. Talking? I'm the worst - LOL. Hope to see you this weekend but I'm (hopefully) going to be super busy. Supposed to close on my house today or tomorrow.