Sunday, August 19, 2012

Playing Too Late Online

Friendly tip to all you online players out there.  If you plan to be sharp the next day don't enter a tournament that begins at midnight.  Played in a tournament for a seat in the "Battle of the Generations".  The winners of the satellite tournaments (a few every day), will play for a big $500 prize in September.  There are representatives from each generation, boomers, gen x, etc.  I was just floating along, not many chips but hanging in there.  A few hands later I find myself on the final table.  Ultimately I end up heads-up and outchipped about 4 to 1.  Usually this is a death sentence, but the other player was unusually unagressive and I was able to get to about a 3/1 disadvantage when this hand happened.  I raised all in with 7/7 and was called by A/10 suited.  My 7's held up and now I was the chip leader.  Strangely, cause we had gone back and forth for at least 45 minutes the other player typed "too tired, posting blinds and going to bed".  Sure enough, they folded every hand and I won.  The time of completion?  Glad you asked.  3:00 a.m.  I am TOAST today!!!!

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