Saturday, August 31, 2013

Socially Redeeming Value?

Legion update:  dealt, $27 tip, 1st out on final table (9th place).  'Nuff said.

I have been thinking about gambling some due to an email I received from an old friend.  Let me begin by saying that they were a'gin it due to family history.  I proceeded to give my defense of it, including the arguments of game of skill, managing and playing within my bankroll, enjoyment, limited loss in tournaments, etc.  The more I have been thinking the more I see the huge problems I witness almost daily when playing.  I personally know three people whose lives have been destroyed by gambling (but not poker).  On the other hand, I know more people whose lives have been wrecked by alcohol and/or drugs.  Let's just say that addictive behavior is problematic.

I think we all recognize some of the people in the casino who should not be gambling.  The guy who is young, working, and playing in the middle of the day, the woman who consistently loses....large amounts, the guy who is trying to get away from a bad situation at home, the poor folks literally playing with the rent money.

When I kept careful track of my wins/losses, I was apparently a winning player.  My total win or loss over my entire career probably would not buy or lose a decent used car.  But, that is not really the point.  What is important long run is how your habit may affect your character and your relationships.  I like to think that poker is my "social hour", though we all know it is much more than an hour.  I have made many friendships around the poker table, and with a lack of other contacts, that is a good thing.  Having an addictive personality I probably could have channeled the last few years more productively into business, exercise, reading, writing, or something more socially acceptable and redeeming.  But as my little sister says, "It is what it is".

All of this reminds me of a joke I heard recently.

A woman sees a man smoking and decides to educate him.
Woman:  How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Man:  About 3
Woman:  How much does each pack cost?
Man:  Around 5 dollars.
Woman:  How many years have you been smoking?
Man:  Ten years, why?
Woman:  Well, if you would've saved all the money from buying cigarettes you could have bought a Lamborghini by now.
Man:  Wow!  Do you smoke?
Woman:  No.
Man:  Then where's your Lamborghini?

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Cute joke! I must admit that I was a little "crazy" with my money in the beginning but now that I stick to a definite poker budget I am very happy playing and not worrying about it. I get a bit bummed if I don't do well and run out of money but if that happens & I have to wait until my next payday to have a poker budget again, then so be it. I am not getting into my savings or rebuying if it's not in my budget. I sometimes wonder where the young people get all the money they spend. Am I helping to launder drug money or something?

On a bright note, I split 1st in the Sunday 10am with very young looking Mike (Ali's brother) and Scott (usually has motorcycle helmet). I was lucky to be there as I was at 8,000 chips with 500-1000 blinds. Went all-in with A9 diamonds, got FOUR callers and flopped the nut flush. Nice. Kept me going!! I am probably playing Friday night but since you have sworn off the live game I may not see you.