Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why Do I Have Such Horrible Problems (1st World Variety)

1.  The battery on my cell phone is low and I am trying to play poker online.

2.  The ice cream is almost finished in my freezer.

3.  There are no movies on HBO that I want to watch.

4.  I occasionally drop calls on my 4G smartphone.

5.  The coffee shop I go to is closed on Wednesdays.

6.  My hot water in the shower takes a few minutes to warm up.

7.  I am totally out of brie.

8.  None of my friends have posted anything interesting on facebook today.

9.  It's a little rainy today in the resort beach community I live in.

10.  The recycling machine wouldn't give my credit for some of my empty beer bottles.

11.  My espresso machine is making some funny noises.

12.  They didn't offer me free refills for my chai at the Indian restaurant we ate at yesterday.

13.  Someone had an auto accident on the highway yesterday and I had to take a detour.

14.  Had to walk all the way to the basement to get another roll of toilet paper.

15.  My bank changed names so all of my checks look incorrect.

16.  Not all of the kernels popped in the big bowl of popcorn I fixed last night.

17.  My favorite tv shows are still on summer reruns.

18.  My view of the ocean is partially blocked by a new house.

19.  I ordered pizza, now I have to put on pants.

20.  There's nothing to drink at home except an endless supply of clean fresh drinking water.

21.  I am only getting one bar of coverage with my new 4G phone in the bathroom.

22.  My wallet won't close, there's too much money in it.

23.  I want food from the back of the fridge, but it's blocked by food in the front.

24.  Tried to carefully open the cereal bag but tore a huge opening down the side.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Yesterday mine was ripping open my brand new bag of tortillas (to go with my yummy homemade salsa - very mild) only to rip the sucker so badly that all the chips spilled on the floor. Luckily, I had another bag.

Most of this list was on the radio station I listen to on the way to work yesterday with the comment that maybe we should consider ourselves lucky when other people are worried about problems like revolution & dying from malaria.

Thanks for sharing.