Saturday, October 6, 2012

Quad 8's, A-Hole player

Another marathon session on Thursday.  Running very badly, am down about $300 when I hit quad 8's in a raised pot.  Flopped them, so was able to relax and figure out how to maximize profit.  Check, call, check call, check raise.  Nice hand worth $499 plus a good sized pot.  Despite the win, ended up breaking even.....had a 75/25 split deal with my buddy, Ron and just donkied off some chips with my pocket aces and pocket jacks.  The worst one was with Thuy, I raised with AA, Chris goes all in for $15 more with JJ, and Thuy decides to tag along with 6/9.  Naturally, she hits a 9 on the flop and a 6 on the river.  Oh, well, only a $25 loss....could have been worse.  Also snapped on a 3/3/x flop against A/3, also calling a big preflop raise.  Small wonder both of these players usually are "donating".

Now to the A-Hole story.  Very conservative player sitting to my immediate left, in his '70's.  His wife also playing, same game.  Would call their style tight, passive.  Saw her win several pots with the nuts, but never raised even once (except preflop twice with A/A).  These guys might as well play their hands face up in my opinion, too easy to fold against them.  Anyway, the guy hits quads (I had raised preflop with J/J) on a flop of 10/10/x.  I should have made an easy read and fold but had been playing for 10 hours and just too tired to  figure it out.  Anyway, he makes some comment to me after the hand about how "You have been stealing pots on the button all night, partner" .  I was offended by the use of the word partner, not the stealing part which was technically correct if you call raises in late position and continuation bets stealing, I call it good poker not "low limit showdown".  So, I called him on the use of partner, saying "don't call me partner, I wouldn't want to be your partner in any enterprise".  He then makes some remark about how "the little guys always have the big mouths" which frankly I could not understand since he was both shorter and weighed less than me.  So, I responded with "you got that right".  About this time the dealer was giving me the evil eye and I just quit talking.  He left the game shortly afterwards.  If I ever play on the same table with him and if he ever says a word to me will call for the floor (which I should have done) and have them give him a warning.  Nobody needs to put up with that BS.    


7 Dewey said...

Yeah, you really should call the floor in a situation like the one with the A-hole. Especially at the Crazy Moose there have been a lot of problems lately. Two dealers even got fired. Crazy. Usually if someone is an A-hole to me I just try to look them straight in the eye and give a little chuckle as if I am highly amused by their comment. This usually puts them on tilt. It's fun to watch.

Ashpdx said...

Maybe you shouldn't engage people like that or they might wait for you later in the parking lot.