Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Back to an old subject.  This article makes a lot of sense.  I am very tired of the gun debates, activism, insertion of the discussion in every political opportunity.

One of the big things I realized was that when they say the "big bad NRA" is influencing legislators is that the NRA is not an entity.  It is a collection of members, the numbers which are growing exponentially with every attempt to control guns (estimated 400-500,000 new members in one month).  Various sources peg membership at around 3-4 million.  That is 3 or 4 million voters in every state and district.  Oh, and p.s., I am not an NRA member nor are a number of my pro-gun, pro-2nd amendment friends.  The real number of supporters is probably 5 or 10 times the membership.  What politician wants to fight that?

With that said, I fully support keeping guns out of the hands of crazies.  I also think safety is super important.  My new gun safe is on order for safety at home.  


7 Dewey said...

I started reading the VERY LONG article & got terribly bored almost immediately - sorry. It's not my thing. I don't think we should ban guns. However, we sure as shit need to figure out some way to keep them from being so easy to get by the nuts who make the headlines. Ask me sometime about how I got coverage under my homeowner's policy for an "accidental explosion" when my husband shot the TV. Good story.

Phil said...

laughing out loud.