Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Online Cash

Playing in this online tournament I found myself down to practically antes but fought back and ended up finishing in 6th place.  Originally over 1100 players.  How much did I win?  $5.00, glad you asked.

I am re-reading a couple of tournament poker books and it is giving me lots of food for thought.  I am hoping that this run continues next week when I am in Las Vegas.

Here is another online tournament, same night, did better, winning it.

Last tournament of the night, on the verge of qualifying for final.  Had to get in top 10 of semi-final for this one.  Probably just fold my way in.  There are some points you can win, but have a half million or so already.  First is 50,000, already got that in the other one.
Gave up and went to bed.  Qualified, in no. 2 spot.


7 Dewey said...

Hmmm. I wonder how much time it took you to win that $5. That's actually more than I've won in the past 2 weeks, so there you go.

Are you hitting the Fried Cities before you go to Vegas? I thought you were going there in June. I'm confused due to early senility.

See you later.

Phil said...

Be in TC after Vegas (getting in Sunday night, leave Monday).

7 Dewey said...

Oh! Well I wish you the best of luck and hope you do really well. I know you can!!