Monday, April 15, 2013

Legion bubble & why Omaha H/L makes you a better holdem player

I played very well at the Legion on Friday night....until the final table when lapses in judgement ended with me bubbling on the money in 7th place.  I dealt table 2, so will have some tip rebate money coming to me.  The hand that did me in was re-raising a player with about 1/2 my chips (I was probably 2nd or 3rd leader) with AJ suited.  Had done serious damage at the other table with that hand, knocking players out twice.  Really did not think it through...he had KK and could not find an ace.  Had I folded, another player with 9/9 would have called, eliminating him with a 9 on the river.  As it was, the winner of that hand notched me out of the money.  I also ran A/10 button raise into a shove from 10/10 and overcall with A/K.  Got away from my drawimg dead hand, but cost me a third of my chips.  Final hand shove with K/10 suited, two callers, one has AK so king on river no good.

Now, to the Omaha game.  Omaha is all about the texture of the flop, and selecting good starting hands.  The best starting hands (AA23 double suited), can be destroyed by a bad flop (think 9/10/J in  another suit).  The key, really, is in choosing when to chase after seeing the flop and always thinking "what would hitting my hand do for another player", or, "what kind of hand would be happy with this flop?".  Those are questions that we need to ask ourselves on the holdem table.  After playing Omaha for a while, the texture just sort of jumps out at you.  Have not played for a long time, but recently signed up for free play on pokerstars and now enjoying my daily Omaha fix.

Another thought about Omaha and Holdem is that in Omaha you can be fairly sure that if the board pairs, or the third suited card hits the river, and there is a lot of action, you can safely (and cheaply) fold your two pair, straights, and sometimes even small sets (though most of the time you are at least calling).  If the full house or quads are possible, they are probably there.  And the flush?  Ya sure you betcha.  It is usually safe to fold second or third nut flushes depending on the action.


7 Dewey said...

FYI - I forgot to tell you that after I got knocked out of the Friday tournament 4-8 Omaha. I made $200 and it's amazing that I did because when I sat in the Omaha game I thought it was a hold 'em game, but I either caught on quickly and/or was very luck because I felt I had no idea what I was doing. I missed two flushes that the dealer caught that won me both pots. Oops. At least I tabled my cards@

7 Dewey said...

Well that was full of typos. Anyway, I'm sure you get the idea. Back to remedial English class for me.