Friday, August 29, 2014

Decisions Decisions Decisions

Have been doing some reading lately about the bad effects of making too many decisions.  This relates to a poker game big time.  How often have you found that late in a tournament or cash game marathon that your bad decisions really hurt you?  There is a lot of stuff on the web if you google it, here is one article relating strictly to poker:

You can also look under "decision fatigue" to see more.  The thing about poker that I have come to realize (read Annie Duke's "Decide to Play Great Poker", is that the best decisions don't necessarily always have the best outcome, but making the right decisions is in itself the guide to playing better.  We are constantly bombarded by decisions in our life, do I try to beat the yellow light or stop?, What do I choose from the menu?  Which brand of coffee (or anything else) do I buy?  Do I go for the price or the size or the strength of the coffee?  decaf or not a decision for me.  Basically, consumerism today has given us a bewildering array of choices.  I have been online shopping for some furniture and trust me, the choices are legion.  This of course leads to "paralysis by analysis", which is why my new tv is sitting on on old cabinet.  Throw in another decision maker (wife), and it further complicates things.

So, that is why we sometimes pine for the "good old days".  Think of the 3 tv channels to "choose" from vs. cable today.  Think of clothes shopping?  Will that be Levis or Wrangler?  Not slim fit, boot cut, full cut, faded, torn, distressed, umpteen brands from umpteen retailers.  Think about beer.  Bud anyone?  Would like a Coors, but have to drive to Colorado to get it.  Think about car brands, good luck finding a foreign car dealer in the early 60's.  Don't get me started on models.  Or colors.  Or options.  It is no wonder that we think of those times as simpler.  Fewer decisions mean less stress and fatigue.  So, voila, you have the reason we are so danged tired today!!!

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I personally believe that I would do a lot better in the live game if I simply left before I got tired and/or bored and started playing bad & making terrible decisions. I think 3-4 hours of the live game is about my limit.