Monday, July 7, 2014

No News is Good News?

Not much to post about poker adventures since the Friday night Legion game was off because of some dumb holiday (oops, 4th of July is not dumb).  We enjoyed the local parade with little granddaughter Eva catching a lot of candy thrown from the vehicles. Afterwards we made our way to the fire station to enjoy a barbequed hotdog, complements of the taxpayers (me) I suppose.

My online games consist of:  having the best hand, someone catching some improbable cards to beat me.  Example: pocket aces cracked by A/7 with him using the 7 to make the bottom end of a straight.  Here's another:  shove with 10/10, 4 callers!!!!  The amazing result, everyone beat me.  K/J caught a jack, Q/8 made a queen high flush, Q/3 made a flush with his 3, and jack/8 made 2 pair.  Wow!!!

This is not to say that I did not make some good and even great hands.  For example, playing K/J suited, I flopped four to a royal flush, then completed it on the turn.  It was bet by another player and a caller on flop and turn.  Another heart on the river killed my action, but hey, you don't get a royal flush every day.

I am trying to score again on the 10 step tournament for $10,000 prize pool.  Have worked my way up to step 6 at this point.  There is also another cool tournament for a Vegas trip, entry in a $1500 deepstack plus $1500 in travel expenses.  Definitely need to focus on that bad boy.

The good news is that this Friday the Legion tournament is back on, plus there is a once a month Sunday tournament for $100 buy-in.  Will definitely be there for that.

I am enjoying a visit from the Seattle family, they leave tomorrow, so gotta go.      

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I almost got a royal the other day. I had AJ diamonds and the flop was K-10-3 all diamonds so I flopped the nuts. JT was dealing so I didn't hold out much hope, but he tried really hard. He put a red queen on the turn. Yup. Queen of hearts. Oh well.

Silly holidays. How dare they cancel poker tournaments for silly old holidays? That's a great family photo. Everyone looked to be having a wonderful time. Too bad you didn't have someone take a photo with you in it too!!

Is the $100 monthly buy-in at the American Legion too? That might be worth a trip to the coast LOL.