Monday, March 10, 2014

Today's Advice

This, my friends, is solid advice.

Weekend of poker scoreboard:

Saturday, back to back cashes in tournaments.
Sunday, almost to final table, overplayed my KQ suited.  Donk!!!  Lost exactly $9. in cash game.

Mon. a.m. Moose:  early out after a fantastic start.  Connecting with a lot of hands, folding small pairs, out when someone could not find a fold for his pocket 5's vs. my AK.

The guy who knocked me out got stupid lucky playing Q/5 against a raise preflop:  Here were the players hands:

Button:  AA
Big Blind:  22
UTG:  Q5 (offsuit as if that matters)

Action:  limps (including me with 9/10), raise to 200, call, call, fold

Flop:  2/5/5

Action:  check, check, bet 200, call, checkraise to 500, all-in, all-in.

Turn:  3
River: 3

Winner, 5's full of 3's.  Sick.  2 players down after 2's got counterfeited on their full house flop.

This is the guy who couldn't find a fold to my preflop 900 raise UTG (blinds @100/200), then could not find a fold on a jack high flop with an all-in for 900 more.  

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

People who pay no attention to the strength of their hand just drive me nuts. I would never play 55 to a raise unless I was all in before the raiser was or I was being blinded out or something. Ridiculous.

The Tao of Poker is a pretty cool book so far. You will be sorry you loaned it to me as I will now be a force to be reckoned with - LOL. Thanks!