Monday, March 11, 2019

No Regerts

Found  great tattoo on the web, "No regerts".  Gotta love it.  My brother and I were talking last week and philosophically he told me that a version of hell was meeting the you that ideally could have been.  That got me thinking about all the possible lives i could have led.  But path leads to path from each fork in the road,  and we try to make the best decisions possible with the information we possess at the time.  This is true in all aspects of life.  In poker, as in all of life, we make the best decisions we can with the information we have, and poker is a game of incomplete information.  There is no perfect way to decide.  Someone once said that bad decisions lead to knowledge.  Guess the more bad ones you make, the wiser you become.

Playing the morning turbo tournament I ran pretty good until this hand.  With a stack of about 6000, blinds at 200/400, I pick up A/K suited 3 UTG.  I raise to 1100, all fold except big blind, big stack loose player, who calls.  Flop comes K/J/8, two clubs (I have hearts).  BB checks, I shove.  He quickly calls with his K/J, and I fail to find an ace.  So, decisionwise, I think I made the right play.  With a 2400 pot and 3600 behind on a draw heavy board, if I bet to give draws bad odds, it would have to be at least 1500, so that would leave me pot committed anyway if he check raises.  By shoving, we get to the natural place anyway and I am willing to "stack off" with top pair, top kicker at this point against any draw.  There are only 7 hands I am behind, A/A, K/K, J/J, K/J, 8/8 and K/8 or J/8 (highly unlikely).  Just bad luck but feel good about the decisions.  No regerts!!!

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