Monday, March 4, 2019

Here are running bad examples

Kids, don't try this at home!  Drove to Tulalip for my Sunday Omaha game and found out that the "last Sunday of the month" tournament was scheduled.  This is a big deal, 120 players, maybe 60 alternates, $230 entry fee.  I was told there would be no cash games until at least 2:00.  Now, I would ordinarily just have gotten in my car and gone to another Card room, but I-5 was totally blocked southbound due to a multi-car accident.  Well, just gotta play it.  A couple of missed draws left me short when down to 75 players and got it in good with 4/4 against two callers with A/K and A/J on a flop featuring a 4.  The board ran big and the worst starting hand rivered Broadway.  Player down.

Fast forward to Saturday.  86 players at Caribbean casino, running very good until I wasn't. A couple of losses and super short with J/J shove.  J/10 suited overshoves, 9/9 shoves, and K/J calls short all in.  I am in looking good, dominating all hands with one overcard to fade.  Flop has a 9, we are all in bad shape, but winner was 10/J suited rivering a flush.  Worst hand wins again.  According to my poker odds calculator app, my preflop odds are 45% to win.  Player down.

Driving back to Tulalip early Sunday to get my preferred Omaha seat, I wait an hour but no one shows up.  A dealer tells me that the high hands now start at 4:00 rather than 2:00 on Sundays.  I am not sticking around, so frustrated drive home.  This week's poker has sucked.

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