Monday, November 30, 2015

Why Gamblers are Such Degenerates

I am currently reading Victoria Coren's excellent book, "For Richer, For Poorer:  A Love Affair With Poker".  She is a superb writer as well as world class poker player and I highly recommend this book as a great read.  In it, she tells a story that pretty well encapsulates our gambling/poker compulsion.

Jim and Tom are best friends.  They play gin rummy together every night for twenty years.  One terrible day, Tom confesses that he's been having an affair with Jim's beloved wife.  Both men are in tears.  The wife is in pieces.  She has fallen in love with Tom, but she also loves her husband.  What is to be done?

Eventually, Tom has an idea. 'Let's put the whole business in the hands of fate and decide it with a game of gin rummy.  The winner gets to be with her forever.  The loser promises never to see her again.'

'Good plan,' says Jim, blowing his nose and brightening up. 'And to make it interesting, let's play for $10 a point.'

See what I mean, you found that very funny you sick fuck.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Yes I did LOL. I will have to read it.