Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sometimes I Can Be Such an A-Hole, But AJ Really?

Image result for images ace jack

Yes, Virginia, Dr. Phil can sometimes be a flaming A-hole.  I know you find this very hard to believe given my otherwise gentlemanly behaviour.  So, last night at the Wheeler game we had a smaller than normal crowd due in part to the big tournament at Pendleton.  With only two full tables, I dealt table two.  Chipping up early I then managed to give most of them back with an unfortunate missed flush draw and generally poor starting cards.  Survival is sometimes the key in tournament poker, and I managed to knock the short stack off with my KK (best hand I had last night) to get us down to 8 players (another player knocked off table 1 at the same time).

The final table was alternately kind and cruel to me.  I won a couple of pots and doubled up through Robert, the chip leader on a coin with the over cards AQ vs. 10/10.  Side note on Robert, he is such a fricking luckbox.  He knocked the dealer out with his 9's full on the river vs. her flopped trip 6's.  He was almost eliminated early when he lost an all-in, left the table because he thought the other player had him covered (3 chips left) and was called back.  Lesson learned, never call a player back when they leave the room.

My flame-out occurred when I found J/J in early position with 5 players remaining (paying 4, no bubble).  I shoved and am called by AJ.  He flops an ace to take a big chunk of my chips.  He would have had 1.5 feet out the door earlier when he called a shove with nothing and caught a miracle king on the river.  Anyway, I said something along the lines of, "Really, you called a shove with all your chips with AJ?  What hands do you believe that you are ahead of?".  So, some discussions happened about that.  Later, the short stack doubled up through the big stack with AQ vs. AJ and I said, "See?" That said, not that crazy about AQ either but definitely a shove from 3 blinds stack.

Our lucky AJ man finally was eliminated in 4th place.  We played a while longer and when I won a big pot from our chip leader we were all about even so it was getting late and time for a chop.  I earned $240 plus $25 in tips for a net win of $225. I was pretty happy to finally book a win.  It has been too long.      


7 Dewey said...

You? An A-hole? Never!!! However, any idiot that plays AJ that way should LOSE. Enough said.

Glad you finally got a good win. I played so badly at Pendleton that I refuse to discuss it LOL.

Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? Sheesh. Hope you and your family have a terrific turkey day.

7 Dewey said...

I was a lucky AJ lady last night. Got short stacked and saw an ace. Went all in without looking at 2nd card. Ended up having AJ diamonds which gave me top pair, top kicker and a double up. Did the same thing 3 hands later with AJ spades. Again, I only looked at the ace. An hour later, I ended up taking 4th for $170 or $120 after $35 buy-in and $15 tip. Not too shabby for being short almost the entire tournament.