Monday, February 23, 2015

One Guys Owns Me Friday

I really hate it when there is one stinking player who owns your ass.  Every time you get in a pot with him he either has better cards, gets a better flop, or gets lucky on the river.  "Michael" was my nemesis on Friday.  Dealing table 2 (as usual), I was playing very well and had increased my stack to about double starting chips.  I then called a short stack shove (JJ) with my dreaded AQ suited.  After the flop several people commented that they had folded an ace.  Great.  No 3 outer for me this time. Now down to 3/4 of starting chips I bled off some more in blinds.  Now officially short (I think 900 with blinds @ 200/400), there is one limper (nemesis) under the gun with me in cutoff.  I have 5/5 and figure on callers but a good chance to triple up if lucky.  Shove.  Surprisingly the blinds both fold, despite having fairly good stacks.  The nemesis calls and I am flat out shocked to see.....2/3 suited.  You may recall from earlier post about the "cupcake" or "Oregon Aces".  But this looks like a sure thing for me.  The flop is awesome, 9/10/6 or something like that.  When the turn brings another 9 I am very happy.  However......the nasty river is another 10, counterfeiting my 2 pair and my 5 kicker is no good!  Chop pot!  Wow.  I pick up a lousy 300 chips and am still on fumes.

So, with about 1000 remaining, there is one limper and I shove with A/K.  Nemesis calls with A/7 from small blind, and limper calls with 10/J.  Flop has an ace and no reasonable draws for the short stack limper.  Turn is a brick, and the guessed it....a 7.  Players down.

Having some fun earlier, I proposition bet a player that he would see the "biggest hand of the night" at my table.  He accepted my bet.  I then pulled these cards out of my pocket (top cards next to regular ones).

Extra large deck stocking stuffer from Christmas.  Where is the joker?  Dealing the cards, silly.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Looks like Wheeler might be a better place than the AL for awhile. Bummer. Love those big cards. Good prop bet LOL.