Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Beats for a Change

I know that it can be very tiresome for my small but dedicated blog followers to keep reading about me whining about my bad beats, so in the interest of fair and balanced reporting, here are some good beats from today.

1. I am all-in with AQ and called by AK. Queen on the flop saves me.

2. My all-in with AA holds up against KQ and 3/6.

3. My all-in with KQ suited is called by AA. I flop an open ended straight draw and two hearts. River the heart for the flush. Aces cracked.

4. Not really a bad beat story, but my AK is called all-in by Q/8. Flop is JJA, with turn an ace.

5. Last story not a bad beat, but just a horrible situation. 3 all-ins, I have KK, bigger stack has AA, and biggest stack has QQ. Flop is 8/8/Q. Youchers!

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