Friday, January 23, 2009

Birthday Thoughts

Yesterday was my birthday. This seems to happen with some regularity, about once a year according to my rough estimates. I am a little overwhelmed at the nice gifts and cards that I received from my family. I am looking forward to clamming with my new clam shovel and my new computer briefcase nicely replaces the old one that I found (not dumpster diving, as some have accused, but left at a bus stop). I also received a very good book, "The Year of Living Biblically", by A.J. Jacobs. This is sort of a follow up book from his best seller, "The Know it All", where he very humorously recounted reading the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica. Anyway, reading it has inspired me to try making some changes in my life. Mainly, I would like to try writing some and reading more. As a college English major I read constantly. Some semesters I would read up to 12 books in each class, and would have as many as 5 classes so I really did a lot of reading. Unfortunately, this was not leisure reading and often I would be analyzing the style, plot and character development , so enjoyment was not high on my list. My list of things that I want to do are:

1. Read at least an hour or two every day.
2. Write for at least an hour a day (I have this idea for a novel).
3. Play poker less (no more than an hour or so a day online).
4. Work on my furniture "art" project. This is for now a driftwood chair.
5. Walk at least a couple of miles every day.
6. Do some weight training. Will probably have to do this in Tri-Cities, where my weights are.
7. Get back to bike riding.

This is sort of starting to look like a new year's resolution list, which it is. I will try my best to accomplish this list, it is important to me and to my family.


Anonymous said...

That sounds great! It is a little similar to my list except replacing art with writing, and organizing instead of reading, and being more involved with the kid's education instead of bike riding- okay maybe our lists are not the same. The birthdays seem to be coming faster than they used to in my opinion. Glad you liked the gifts- you deserve it.
Love, Amy

7 Dewey said...

Those are some terrific ideas and I hope you can stick to them. I love to read also & find myself doing less of it. I think I'll start taking books to poker with me. At least I can get some reading done while waiting for a seat if I decide to play live. For now, though, it's tournaments only unless I win enough to play live. Again, happy birthday and see you soon!