Tuesday, February 18, 2020

You win with your crap

Yesterday was a monumentally bad poker day.  Sitting next to Tom, a friendly regular we commiserated that we had to lose a rack just to warm up.  We were both quickly rebuying.  Things got much worse as i got involved in big pots only to lose to long shots on the river.  Twice i flopped top set (aces) but lost to straights.  Got a big pot going with set over set, he had jacks, vs. my queens.  Aces hung in to the river where he hit his two outer.

Two memorable losses were a flop of 5/5/A, me playing A/2/4/5 which incidentally is one of the very best starting hands in OH8.  With 3 of us in the hand, the turn brought an 8, giving me the flopped boat full house plus 2nd nut low.  Betting was capped.  River didnt change anything and i lost both high and low.  One player had A/A for the Big full house, while the other had 2/3 nut low.  Unbelievable, but not as much as another big pot where I have A/A/2/x, and 4 way action with capped streets, I fully expect a possible "quartering" where I split the low with improbably another hand of A/2, but did not expect this showdown.  One player with A/2/2, another with The case ace and case 2!!!!  WTF!!!!  We chop low 3 ways, losing big to the high hand.  I have only seen this once before.

So, back to the title of this blog.  Brett, a very savvy player who has become a new poker buddy told me from across the table, " I see how you roll, Phil, you lose with your great hands and win with your crap".  Guess I should have played more crap as my premium hands cost me dearly.  Problem is, I usually only play good starting hands.

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