Monday, July 24, 2017

Table Change!!!!! PLEASE!!!!

Sometimes you sit down at a totally toxic poker table.  This happened to me yesterday at the Omaha game.  I sat down in the 7 seat and was dealt a hand immediately, even before I had chips.  The guy in the 5 seat told me he had a seat change request and if I had not looked at my cards we could change now.  Great, seat 5 is my favorite as it is much easier to see and read the board, so we switched.  I immediately found out why he wanted to change.  The 6 seat was a raving maniac!  Most omaha games are total limp fests  (as they should be due to the ability of the flop to destroy great starting hands and put tons of draws up) but this guy and the seat changer were into preflop raises and re-raises every single hand.  Rather than a cost of $4. to see a flop it was $16....and sometimes $20 when they both straddled. I just tried to stay out of the way most of the time.  So, massive pots developed every hand and there was huge variance in chip stacks.  I was up $60, then down  $60 a few hands later.  I was hating the game.  One of the regulars moved to a different table and I put a request in as well.  I was relieved to move with about an $85 stack.

The next table was "normal" with occasional pre-flop raises but no capped pre-flops.  Sometime during the course of the game I went on a big and long heater, dragging pot after pot and taking 1/2 often.  Lightening struck late in the afternoon when I flopped a set of Queens and rivered quads.  The high hand held up and with 4 omaha games going was worth $200.  Around 6:30 I was tired and hungry and despite still running well cashed out.  How much you ask?  I took 4 1/2 racks of $1 chips to the cage plus $130 in $5 chips  plus my $200 in $25 greenies.  Total cash out of $780 on my original $100 buy-in.  Best day of poker in a long time.

Also, as I was racking my chips the very good player next to me complimented me on my play.   This guy is an awesome player and always leaves with chips.  Nice way to end my day.


7 Dewey said...

WOW! I think that's WAY ABOVE $17/hour! You are on fire. That's awesome!!!!!

Unknown said...

Glad you are posting more. Thumbs up. :)