Monday, October 17, 2016

Collateral Storm Damage

The big storm this weekend was kind of a dud in some ways.  Yes, we did lose power for 12 hours.  Yes, there are some trees down in town and branches and leaves everywhere.  However, the really damaging stuff managed to avoid us.  The collateral damage I sustained was missing Friday night poker.  Despite living only 4 blocks from the Legion, was really uncomfortable leaving the house with the weather so sketchy.  They had a light turnout, only 24 players, so prize pool was way down (of course there were also fewer players to get past).  Also missed the Wednesday tournament at our new place, the Bayway Tavern.
Photo of Bayway Tavern

Downtown Nehalem suffered from some major flooding, but I heard that there was no damage to any of the businesses.  Thank goodness.  If we had to find yet another place to have our Wednesday game that would be very tough.

So, in summary, Nehalem flooded but o.k., just North, Manazanita torn up by tornado.  Cannon Beach, in good shape.  We were lucky.

Image result for we will rebuild

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I'm just glad to hear that you and Helene (and Milo of course) survived with no major problems. That's awesome. My sister in Seattle was a tad disappointed by the storm too. People seem to want a bit of a storm but not too much. Weird. I posted that same little "Stormageddon 2016" picture on Facebook. LOL.