Sunday, December 14, 2014

Posting for Don

Due to popular demand, here is a new post.  My job in the Tri-Cities has ended, and with it my frequent poker games.  The past week I played in about 10 tournaments, cashing in 2 and final tabling all but 1.  My luck has been running pretty sour so the cash games have drained most of my winnings in tournaments.  Had a couple of particularly disappointing outings there and lost my maximum stop/loss.  The winning sessions were generally small, so overall negative cash game sessions.  I estimate a very small profit for the trip, close to break even....which according to Kenny Rogers is the best you can hope for.

Thinking about this song I think it sums up the decision to close our Tri-City business venture.  It has been a good 9 year run and has allowed me to meet a lot of nice folks, play some poker and supplement my retirement income.  Doesn't get any better than that.  So, I think it is time to "know when to fold 'em."

I will continue to write my poker blog, because that is what I do.  My poker will probably be limited to Friday nights at the Legion, but there is plenty to write about there.  The online stuff kind of is not real poker (despite my giant wins, lol) and may screw up my "real" game, so am planning to curtail that some.  Until next time.......

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I am seriously bummed about your business and hope you find something new and interesting to do if you want to continue making extra money. I look forward to hearing tales of the American Legion games. I'm planning on a visit to the coast next summer. I usually rent a house/condo and I will have some/most of the family with me, but I'm sure I can plan it around an AL poker game. I sure hope to see you again someday - maybe in Pendleton.
I hope you and your family have a terrific holiday season.
Take care.