Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bluffing and Showing

I would like to throw out the topic of bluffing this morning.  We all do it sometimes, some with lots more frequency than others.  It is necessary to bluff in order to win some hands (those flush or straight draws that don't arrive), and sometimes it is dictated by our chip stack, our table position, and/or our table image.  Here are some nuggets I would like to pass on, and ask for the readers' input. 

 Do you ever show a bluff?  This is a subject for some serious discussion.  One school of thought says that you should never show a bluff as this allows for successful future bluffs.  Another school says that "advertising" a bluff can pay off nicely for you when you want a call.  To me, the quandary is the fact that while never showing keeps your opponents guessing, showing a bluff gets those calls you may want, but also may result in calls you don't want.  This happened to me a couple of months ago when I showed a massive bluff to a frequent bluffer (Dougy Fresh) who called me down very light when I had a strong hand, and then caught a miracle card on the river.  I believe that he would have folded except for the fact he had seen my earlier bluff.  I am leaning now towards the never show school.  This is true for about 99% of the hands.  Keep them guessing, show only when required, as in all-in situation or to win the pot.
I believe that we all bluff much more often than we think we do.  An example is when we raise after multiple limpers with a small pair, say 6's.  While we do indeed have a "made" hand, we are in no better than a coin flip with almost any other hand.  Thus, we are semi-bluffing at best.  While this is not a true bluff, as that would imply having "nothing", when we bet with bottom pair, or with ace high, we sometimes have the best hand, but more often than not are actually bluffing.  I personally prefer to check these hands down as they have quite a bit of showdown value and if you are called, you are beat.  Also, if you are raised then you must fold which takes away from the showdown value you enjoyed.
I have noticed several players in the cash game betting big when checked to in last position after the flop.  Say, a $20 bet into a $10 pot.  I am very tempted to check raise these players, as I believe that they have nothing or maybe an unimproved small pair.  What do you say?  Bluff or "semi-bluff"?  Waiting to do this with top pair or maybe a pair with only one over-card on the table.
Frequency of bluffing.  The reason the infamous 2/7 or my previous favorite, 2/3, is such a good bluffing opportunity is the frequency with which you are dealt these cards.  That is why K/9 or J2 also works.  It is not the card strength, but just your commitment to bluff that makes it work.  On the whole, I would prefer to use k9 as my bluff cards, as they have so much more pure high card strength.  We all gain attachments to certain combinations of cards due to our history with them.  We remember the huge pot we won when the monster flop hit us right between the eyes.  All told, I think that we need to bluff with infrequency, but using some outside measure.  Say, at 5 minutes before the hour, or third hand dealt by the new dealer.  Regular, but random.  That way, we are not influenced by other factors.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I don't know why you are asking me these questions. I never bluff (she said with a straight face) - LOL.

Of course I show, but very rarely. I like the fact that people think I always raise with 7-2 even though they should realize I get that hand about as often as I get A-A. Sometimes when I see 7-2 I don't even bother playing it for various reasons. It's all about timing. 99% of the time when I raise I do not have 7-2. Let them think I do. It works out more often than not.

Do I think button raisers are bluffing? Not too often. It all depends on who the player is. It's a great place to raise simply because of position with any 2 cards if nobody raises in front of you. Remember - it's all about the flop!

My bluffing frequency is also quite low regardless of what other people think. I might play J-2 if JT is dealing. I might play J-9 if Paul is dealing. Usually I don't. The only hand I regularly bluff with is my signature hand. I do semi bluff quite often, but I don't really see that as bluffing.

I like your regular but random idea. Perhaps I should not simply stick to 7-2. I love that little sucker though. It makes more money for me than aces and that's no lie.