Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Online Poker in India

I would like to be able to say that it has been great playing online again, but really can't.  There are few players on UB so the sit n go's fill up really slowly if at all.  The guarantees are held at wide time intervals so it is difficult to plug in anywhere.  I have jumped in late a couple of times, but that is like being an alternate at the moose.  You are at an immediate chip disadvantage to the big stacks.  There are  no omaha games at all like before but that is o.k. with me as the rake on a split pot game kills you.

The no limit games are crazy with lots of raising preflop.  I have made small profits on a couple of sessions but lost overall.  In total, am down about 3% of my total bankroll.

We are visiting a high altitude area called Kerala today, which is near the major city of Cochin on The Sea of Arabia, the Western side of India.  It was a 1 hour flight then about 3 hour drive.  There are major tea plantations everywhere on terraced hills and it is beautiful.  Also, it is not crowded like the big city, but the traffic is again insane with switchback hills and lots of passing around blind corners.  I was so grateful to arrive safely on our last trip I gave the driver a massive tip, well at least massive for this part of the world, of 1,000 rupees ($20 US), in addition to whatever the doctor gave him.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Wow, that really is gorgeous. You'll have to sit & visit with me at Moose breakfast sometime & show me all your photos. I hope you're having an amazing time.