Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ups & Downs

This week has been an absolute roller coaster ride in poker.  Sunday was a great day starting in holdem with a $150 win then moving to the omaha game another $200.  Hit two great hands, the first a flopped king high straight flush with board pairing on the river to give Gary a jacks full hand. Then rivered a royal flush, only my 5th ever.  Wish I could say that it was the start of a great week of poker, but sadly it was the high point.

Monday I played on briefly, losing $220.  Folks just took turns catching up with me on their draws.

Tuesday started well with a $100 win in 3rd place in the morning Moose.  The cash game was a disaster however, with a $280 loss.  A couple of interesting hands with 9/10.  In both hands I lost large pots with a lot of my money going in.  The first one I flopped trips and was outkicked by K/10.  The second a player caught a gutshot draw for a straight on my flopped trips.  I lost to that player twice more when his 9/10 flopped a straight and two pair.  Go figure.


1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Story of my life! I did so well last Saturday that I thought I would never lose again - LOL! Naturally, I did nothing at all on Sunday & have had bad luck (and played a little badly) in a couple of tournaments since. I'm going to try the 7pm at Lucky Bridge tonight. ($500 added). Wish me luck!