Friday, October 22, 2010

Unluckiest Player at The Table

How does it feel to be the unluckiest player at the table? Just ask me. Playing in a Pot Limit Omaha tournament this morning I turned the nut low and 2nd nut flush, I end up all in with 2 other players, one of whom has the nut flush and the nut low. Quartered! With the other player's money in the pot I am below starting stack, but not short.

Later, I get knocked out when I flop the third nut flush, turn a set, and get all in on the river against a weak flush that hits a straight flush.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Ouch! Did you know Sheila Gooldy or play with her much? She passed away Monday evening after a valiant fight against cancer. She was a sweet lady and one of the only women who played regularly when I first started playing at the Moose. I learned a lot from her. I'm busy moving this weekend - ICK - and next weekend - double ICK - but hope to see you again someday . . . .