Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dominated Hands

Usually I consider a dominated hand the second worse thing you can see when you get all of your chips in preflop.  The worst is the dreaded set over set which leaves you with only 2 outs and only random straight or flush possibilities.  The dominated hands that you tend to see a lot are:

AK vs. AQ, AJ, KQ, KJ, K10 (all other Ax) etc, etc.
KQ vs. KJ, K10, K9, QJ, Q10, Q9
QJ vs. Q10, Q9, J10, J9

There are of course many other variations of dominations, but I want to focus attention on these as the most frequently occuring and most trouble.  If you notice that in all cases, you are in little trouble with these hands.  The flop has to be really ugly for you to be a big problem.  You are seldom going to lose many chips with AK, KQ or QJ on a flop of 9/10/J with significant resistance from the villain.  You can easily dump AK with only a gutshot draw, you have flopped the nuts with KQ, and you have top pair with an open ender with your QJ.  On the other hand, any "big card flop" gives your villain either a good draw or a two pair hand.  Thus, the value of "top pair, top kicker" should give you cause to slow down your play and be very careful about committing your entire stack.

In a cash game, I often see random dominated hands winning due to the poor habit of playing any two suited cards.  Big trouble for AK when playing against K/2 when the flop is 2/2/k, or even just 2/k/x.  Again, caution playing top/top too aggressively.

With all this said, lately I have been getting my ass kicked by hands that I dominate.  It seems like any weak kicker is a magnet for the other player.  But that is just me running bad.  Played too late last night, coming in second again (grrrrr) in a cash tournament with only one prize.  Also qualified for a bigger tournament (top 10, came in 5th when my program crashed).  Pretty good results, but SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!

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