Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day One Vegas

It is always good to start a Vegas trip with a win, but unfortunately cannot claim that this time.  However, I do consider getting stuck $19. in the wild ass game I was in a victory of sorts.  At the Riviera there were only two tables, both 1/3 no limit.  I bought in for $150 and sat out about 2 rounds while I watched the insanity.  A player to my immediate right, who claimed he had been playing for 48 hours straight was raising every hand.  Nice seating choice.  He and his buddy, to his right were both hyper-aggressive players and each had big stacks, between $700 and  $1000.  I failed to enter a couple of pots with hands I would normally play, and would have chipped up nicely given the action (flopped trips on one with bets and raises on top pair), but wanted to get my chips in really good.

Finally, I pick up top pair with a flush draw and get all my chips in.  Double up on the river through Mr. Aggressive.  Now up about a $100 I play more hands, but fail to score.  Now down to about $50, I raise to $20 with 9/9 and get two callers.  The flop is awesome, A/K/9.  I get them all in and watch the board pair the ace.  Hmmmm, maybe not so good.  The river is immaterial and the side pot grows as one has a weak ace, the other A/J.  I take the main pot with my boat.

Mr. A, leaves the game but is replaced by Mr. Tattoo who never stops talking or raising.  He gets felted once for $300, re-buys, and gets them all in bad 5/5 vs. A/A, even saying, "I know you have aces".  The guy flops a set of aces, then gets runners 2/3/4 to ship the pot the the 5's.  Very sick game.

Heading down for breakfast buffet.  New day. 

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I sure hope you guys are having a grand time! There's not much to report on my end. I did chop one Moose tournament and one Jokers tournament. I'm off to play at the Lucky Bridge tonight. Hope you will be here for Steve Stark's tourney on Sunday. We all miss you!