Sunday, August 21, 2016

Life Without Poker

This summer has been a poker bust.  First a long trip to Phoenix with only one tournament at the very end.  Then a couple of weeks in Seattle (yes, I do know that there are cardrooms and casinos all over the place) with busy family schedules.  My last two tournaments at the Legion were pretty bad, finishing in 12th or 13th place each time, busted by lucky lucky players (my 10/10 vs J/10 the first one, followed by my A4 two pair busted by runner runner flush one pair of 3's hand).  I am trying to expand my interests this summer by doing some fishing, working on daughter's new/old house, gardening some, and just generally doing other stuff.  With my mom's sudden health deterioration it hammers home the point that life is pretty short.  That said, we do need to follow our muse where it leads us.  If poker is indeed my focus, then play I must.

Upcoming in late September is more travel, this time to Dallas for a visit with my brother and his family, then on to St. Louis to see Lincoln, my oldest friend plus wife's family.  She is heading off to see her other sister in New York, so during her absence may have to slip over to Tri-Cities to see friends and of course play tons of poker. 


7 Dewey said...

Oh, you should come to the Tri-Cities for sure. However, I will only be playing tournaments at the Lucky Bridge so that's where I will be if you want to see me. I'm pretty much off the live game entirely and the tournaments are cheap enough that I can get my fix and still play a few hours each week. Give me some notice if you decide to head over because I will need to make sure I have money in my poker budget. I probably won't even go if you're not going to be there because I'm on a temporary hiatus right now. If you don't come to Tri-Cities, I hope you enjoy all your new projects!!

By the way I almost always play the $30 turbo at LBC on Wednesdays at 7.

7 Dewey said...

Except this week I won't be playing tomorrow because my sister's in town until Sunday