Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mistakes Happen

Playing on Pokerstars today, I made a horrible mistake.  With only 2 Million in my account I accidentally signed up for a $1 million buy in tournament.  There goes my bankroll management that I am so careful about.  So, I find that there is a $200k bounty in effect.  Great, after a couple of hits I am a big fat target.  But, luckily I get it in with a shorter stack and win my 1st bounty!!!  Now "only" stuck $800k I feel slightly better.  Then, boom, another bounty.  Also, am now in contender position with only 20 or so to eliminate before cashing for over $1 M !!!  I am starting to like this until raising big from the button with multiple limpers, the big blind shoves a huge stack.  Fold to me and I snap call with my KK.  He turns over JJ, and there is dancing going on until the flop which has a jack. Crap, I am eliminated in 50th place and he gets my bounty with his lousy 2 outer. 


7 Dewey said...

Oh my gosh! Here I thought you only played in super cheap tournaments because you kept talking about 50 cent wins, etc. I had no idea you had $2 million on Poker Stars. Well . . . less now. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you can get it back quickly. Stupid 2 outers.

7 Dewey said...

I thought you might find this amusing. I played a little $15 tournament at the Lucky Bridge last night. I was totally card dead and blinds were 2,000-4,000. I only had 3,500 and I would be blinded out on the next hand. I saw A7 and went all in. Got 2 callers. Flop was AAA. My oh my. I tripled up but still only had 3 big blinds. I went on to be included in a 4-way chop for a profit of $100. Sometimes the old bat gets lucky!