We had a whole passel of family here for Thanksgiving. 3 grand kids, 2 kids, spouse and a dog. The inn was definitely full. I like to think that I have a fairly sizable house but it sure shrinks with this many people. One family is vegan/vegetarian so we made the executive decision to honor their food choices and not have a turkey this year. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being a turkey stuffed with a duck and chicken and squab served to me with a side of bacon as I am floating in a pool of gravy, and 1 being in Oliver's orphanage being served a small portion of gruel, I would have to call it about a 7. I do love dressing and the other side dishes and really did not have too much turkey craving. It is ultimately all about family and being thankful and the other good stuff more than just the food.
So, Friday poker was an o.k. experience as well. I had run into the poker organizer earlier that day and she asked me to deal table 2. I like the idea that I am not going to get stuck, tempered by the fact that my chances of final table go down 20% or so (previously discussed). Ended up about 11th place out of 35 players. A decent showing but definitely would have done better had I not dealt. There is something about gambling when you know you are going to be stuck on the table for an indeterminate amount of time if you get knocked out early. It really sucks. So, a couple of pots were passed by me that otherwise would have been played....and won...and eliminated the player who later got me with his 10/10 vs. my KQ suited.
For the 2nd week in a row, the high hand was dealt on table 2.....same high hand (different kickers), quad aces. She played it very well, ultimately taking a big pot vs. 3/3 with 3 aces on the board. I note that this is one tricky player, also slow played pocket aces earlier, limping on the button. Personally I hate the play as definitely could have lost a ton of chips on the 3/3/6 flop and betting by the blind.
1 comment:
Sounds like an awesome Thanksgiving time was had by all. We had a good one too, hanging out at my mom's. She keeps saying she doesn't want to prepare dinner, but she always does. One of these days she will actually mean it LOL. She's 86 so I don't think she can keep it up forever. Tristan loved his first turkey day.
I've been doing pretty well in the little Moose tournaments. (They raised the starting stack to 3,000. Don't know if that's helping me or not). Two weeks ago I took first on Saturday. Donna took second. Lord, I love getting all her chips. So much fun. This week, I had Friday off and Kayla and I both made the money. She got 4th for $70 and I split first with a guy and we got $305 each. I also made money on Saturday. Good weekend.
Playing any live or Omaha? Glad you had a nice holiday.
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