I was not planning to deal last night but when we needed a table 4 dealer I raised my hand. Unfortunately, as I had not planned to deal a bloody mary seemed like the logical pre-game warmup drink. So, slightly impaired I struggled somewhat dealing. A player who was new to me but familiar to others at the table quickly pointed out any errors. He was a jerk. He also was a betting maniac. Examples: I call a pre-flop $200 raise with my 9/10 suited. He re-raises to $400. I am the monkey in the middle so I fold. The flop is 10/10/7 and he makes it $1000. The original raiser folds and he shows his monster 7/5. Crap. This was a major opportunity missed for me. At the break the whole table commiserated on how much we hated playing with this guy. His stack swung wildly, but he was way ahead. I was determined to wait for the big hand and chip off his stack. It did not happen on our table and we went separate ways when my table broke.
When the final table formed, there he was again, 2 seats to my right. He continued his aggressive -pre-flop action and again his chips swung. I lost a huge pot to him in the big blind vs. his small blind (The player between us had busted out) with my 9/7 vs. his 9/10 on a k/9/x flop. Folding was out of the question to his shove as I had seen him bluff too many hands. I later recovered the chips when he raised big and I came over the top with 4/4. He actually folded I believe based on my earlier very tight play. He said he had an ace but a poor kicker. Eventually he did bust out and I survived to the bubble where my AQ suited fell to a pair of 4's. I had raised and the donkey (unnamed), re-raised all-in with his 4's. Got my bubble money and a small profit from dealing.
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