Some games are so soft that when you sit down you honestly believe that you have arrived in poker heaven. When you cannot be dealt a playable hand you change your opinion that you may have landed in poker hell. Last night at the Moose was very frustrating to me. Table two was filled with weak players and I could not get a hand! An example, a guy raises $20 with pocket 2's (pocket 2's, LOL), and gets a couple of callers. With lots of action and no improvement he continues to bet to the river and gets raised....and calls!!!! He did the same thing with the same hand a little later. I just patiently sat there and waited for a big hand that never came.
Moving to the main game, I hated leaving that one, it was more card dead night for me. I gradually dwindled down, losing a huge pot to a bigger straight and eventually down to $25. I fought my way back and when one of the most massive bluffers in history....wearing sunglasses, lol, moved over I found an opportunity to get back to my $150 buyin when he raised preflop (surprise, almost every hand), and I called with AJ hearts. Flop was small with 2 hearts and I called his $20 C-bet. Turn brought a jack and you could not have moved me off the hand with dynamite as we were heads up. I failed to make the flush on the river, but my pair of jacks took the pot.
My last hand, ready to leave anyway, the bluffman raises to $18 and a young kid, very bad player who had sat down with almost $400 and was down to $150 reraised to $38. I see pocket 8's and decide to fold, figuring I am up against overcards and/or bigger pair. The flop....2/2/3, turn 3, river 3. The bluffmaster bet it the entire way and they chopped the pot with his A/8 offsuit and reraiser's KJ offsuit. Unbelievable. Decided to cash out for a net $25.00 win after that having "lost my gamble" and a $200+ pot.
1 comment:
Well, at least you didn't lose money. I do not think I will play live ever again after the fiasco I went through on Saturday & I am so embarrassed about it that I can't even discuss it, but suffice it to say I mucked the best hand & almost caught it before the dealer touched it & I was very very upset with myself. I lost about $150 on that hand alone. I think I'll stick to tournaments for awhile.
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