Friday, May 27, 2011

This is Me!!!

Playing in the legion tournament tonight, pretty card dead.  I won only one hand all night with pocket 8's.  Got short stacked when I raised from BB with AQ and was called by 10/J offsuit.  The flop was A/J/10 all hearts.  Without checking my hole cards, I thought I had the queen of hearts (nope), and C-bet 600, the caller reraised all in for 350 more and when the bricks came on the turn and river I was short stacked with 600 in chips and blinds now at 100/200.  I went all in utg with 77 and got two callers.  The flop was terrific 5/2/4, the turn paired the 2, then the river came with a king.  One of my two callers goes all in and shows KJ offsuit when the other player folds.  Goodnight.

Update to last night.  Played in 3 tournaments simultaneously, NL Holdem, PL Omaha HL 8B , and Razz.  Made the final table on all three, placing 1st in Omaha, 2nd in Razz, and 6th in Hold-em.  Wish my luck had been as good at the Legion.   

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