Playing last night in a "step 2" tournament (step 10 win is WSOP seat) I really watched a clinic in playing around the blinds and button. The big stack at the table was really masterful in play on the button, small blind and big blind, and using his chip stack. I noticed that he raised about 80% of the time from the button, usually picking up the blinds (me). When I would call (out of position), he would continuation bet almost 100% of the time. When I missed, as you usually do when playing small and medium pairs, big cards, suited connectors, etc., you must fold most of the time. When I would occasionally hit, I would play back at him and he would fold most of the time. I lost almost all of my chips to him when I flat called his raise with AK and flopped a king (he flopped a set of 4's).
When in the small blind, he would either raise preflop or limp. He would then bet the flop about 80% of the time. Since I nearly always missed, I would fold, or if a draw would call, then fold to his turn bet if I failed to improve....which almost never happened.
In the big blind, he would usually check, but if checked to him on the flop would always bet. I kept hoping to trap him, but really only got him once. When we got down to 3 handed, the other guy and I kept even, as he slowly drained us. I ended up out in 3rd when I played back at him with KJ vs. his AQ (never can tell when he raised if he was that strong). He flopped 2 pair, which gave me the gutshot which improved to a double gutter on the turn when a 9 hit. My reward was getting to play level 2 2 get step 3 ticket, next 2 remedial poker level 2 again for free.
1 comment:
Wow. It sounds like he read that book you let me borrow. I'm about halfway through it and learning a lot. If he didn't read it - maybe he wrote it! LOL. Are you going to Pendleton? I'll be there on the 18th and 19th for the ladies and the seniors. Hope to see you.
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