Friday, April 29, 2011

Reason to Limp in from Small Blind

I folded this preflop


7 Dewey said...

This is funny because a couple of years ago in the limit tourney at Pendleton, I had Q2 in the small blind with EVERYBODY limping in & I got the same flop. I took a very nice pot on that hand.

As for your Omaha comments, I'm still too new to know, but I probably would have played it the same way you did. I also totally agree with your hold 'em comments. I may play this weekend even though I'm supposed to be on self-imposed hiatus. We shall see.

Good luck!!

7 Dewey said...

I was just looking at the Q2 board again. I actually had a Q2Q flop, so it was a bit different. But I still got a lot of chips!