Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Statistics, 151 hands

At Sunday's Omaha game, decided to write down each winning hand, not exact cards but flush, straight, pair, etc.  Over the course of about 7 hours of play I observed 151 hands dealt.  There were more, but distractions, bathroom, etc.  But captured at least 90% +.  Here is the breakdown.

Straights  37 or 24.5%
Full house 31, 20.5%
Trips(or sets), fairly even  26, 17.2%
Flush  24, 16%
2 pair  21, 14%
Quads  6, 4%
One pair   6, 4%
High card 1  .1%

So, evaluating, making a straight was statistically the best play, but lots of full houses came in.  Trips or sets won a surprising amount of the time, slightly ahead of flushes.  2 pair performed better than you would guess, while both quads and single pairs winning were pretty rare.

I raked chips around 27 times, including several half pots and one quarter, and one 3/4.  That works out to 18%. With 9 players just a little more than average share, and could be adjusted down as usually short handed with wanderers and vacant seats.  My financial result was a small loss, $53.00, probably one pot away from breaking even.  With 4 tables going, the high hand paid $200, and despite getting quad 8's, did not score.  A new player at our table did, drawing out on my trip aces by hitting her kicker on the river.  If I had hit mine, it would have been good that half hour.

I felt good about my game, played tight and well while other good players lost $200-300+ mostly due to loose play.  I have found that losing sessions can usually be traced back to poor starting hand selection as A/3 or A/4 is a big dog to A/2, and sometimes a back up plan of a 3 or 4 helps.  I had a lot of A2 hands that I folded post flop due to counterfeited lows or high flops.  These hands usually are money in the bank but not this week.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Interesting. You will have to share this information with me sometime for just plain old Texas Hold 'Em. It might help me a lot. I'm too lazy (and mathematically disinclined) to do it myself LOL.

Heading to Manzanita this weekend. Hope to see the octopus tree but might be too busy. It would be fun though. It's been SIX YEARS since I've seen the ocean face to face. I need it.