Saturday, May 21, 2016

Crabs and 3 peat

Really had a great week, poker and otherwise.  Wednesday night at our Wheeler game Scott suggested crabbing the next day.  Ray, Mike and I quickly volunteered to crew the boat.  The game went well for me, chopping 1st and 2nd with Sam for a $245 win.  The next morning we met at the boat launch next to the Tsunami Grill and put out 7 crab traps.  We agreed to meet at 4:30 to bring them in and cook them at Kelly's Marina, a few miles down the river.  We ended up with about a dozen crabs and met our wives at the marina for beer and crab dinner.  Fun times.

Because of a garage sale being held at the American Legion, the tournament last night was cancelled. So, the organizers of our Wheeler game came up with a $100 buy-in tournament to replace it.  We had 3 full tables with more chips and longer blind structure.  I was fortunate enough to place 5th for a $190 win (thus the 3-peat for my last 3 tournaments cashing).  Nothing significant to report, pretty average cards, winning my biggest pots with 10/4 in the big blind vs. AK.  Flopped 2 pair, he hit an ace on the turn.  I did major damage to a player who was on FIRE (he later bubbled for $100 win).  He raised big with KK after I had limped with AJ (other limpers in front of me).  The flop came 9/10/Q, giving me the open-ender plus the overcard.  I called his huge bet and the ace came on the turn.  All my chips went in and he rivered a king, giving him top set, but making a straight for me.  I had to dodge a 4th diamond, he had the K, I had none, dodged that bullet but not the bullet-like glares I got from him the rest of the game.  My last hand was in the small blind vs. the BB.  A/2 shove, he snap calls with QQ.  The flop gave me lots more outs, 4/4/3 but could not find a 5 or ace.  Late night, home around 12:30.   

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