Saturday, May 21, 2016

Crabs and 3 peat

Really had a great week, poker and otherwise.  Wednesday night at our Wheeler game Scott suggested crabbing the next day.  Ray, Mike and I quickly volunteered to crew the boat.  The game went well for me, chopping 1st and 2nd with Sam for a $245 win.  The next morning we met at the boat launch next to the Tsunami Grill and put out 7 crab traps.  We agreed to meet at 4:30 to bring them in and cook them at Kelly's Marina, a few miles down the river.  We ended up with about a dozen crabs and met our wives at the marina for beer and crab dinner.  Fun times.

Because of a garage sale being held at the American Legion, the tournament last night was cancelled. So, the organizers of our Wheeler game came up with a $100 buy-in tournament to replace it.  We had 3 full tables with more chips and longer blind structure.  I was fortunate enough to place 5th for a $190 win (thus the 3-peat for my last 3 tournaments cashing).  Nothing significant to report, pretty average cards, winning my biggest pots with 10/4 in the big blind vs. AK.  Flopped 2 pair, he hit an ace on the turn.  I did major damage to a player who was on FIRE (he later bubbled for $100 win).  He raised big with KK after I had limped with AJ (other limpers in front of me).  The flop came 9/10/Q, giving me the open-ender plus the overcard.  I called his huge bet and the ace came on the turn.  All my chips went in and he rivered a king, giving him top set, but making a straight for me.  I had to dodge a 4th diamond, he had the K, I had none, dodged that bullet but not the bullet-like glares I got from him the rest of the game.  My last hand was in the small blind vs. the BB.  A/2 shove, he snap calls with QQ.  The flop gave me lots more outs, 4/4/3 but could not find a 5 or ace.  Late night, home around 12:30.   

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jack Attack

This is kind of interesting.  Last Friday night at the final table a player got it all in and showed J/J.  The very next hand I had J/J (and won).  The next hand?  Why J/J again....I showed and there were multiple comments.  My next two hands each contained one jack.  So, in 4 consecutive hands, I was dealt 6 jacks out of 8 cards.  Never had that happen before.  Also, never seen J/J win 3 hands in a row.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Another Mini Victory

I was pretty amazed to cash in two consecutive freerolls.. Ended up in 10th place for a big .55 win.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Back in the Saddle???

Going through some soul searching about poker.  I have just been getting worn down by the bad beats and rethinking whether I really want to play given my mental state.  Last Friday there was just no joy in being there, talking poker, seeing the people, or playing.  After a few online tournaments and doing well, then crowned off by a cash online out of 521 players, finishing 6th.

Spurred on by my victory (albeit a small financial win), decided to play Friday's American Legion tournament.  I was asked to deal and declined.  With 4 tables....around 30 players, I glanced at the others seated.  Tough table.  A very good player sitting next to me commented on how tough the table looked.  I accepted it as a compliment.  The deck was kind to me early on, hitting a set of 10's and bluffing a pair of jacks vs. 2 pair.  He put me on a set of jacks due to my preflop raise, continuation with top pair, check on the turn, and raise of his river bet.

Skip forward to final table.  I was in good position, probably 3rd in chips.  While at 2 tables doubled up with AA vs. JJ.  A little later 9/9 raised, 10/10 shoved ahead of me, I shoved with AA (again), JJ tanked and finally folded murmering to herself how she folded "a monster".  Heads up the flop was harmless as was the turn, then bang, a 10 on the river.  Ouch.  Hanging in I again chipped up and when the small blind limped to me in the big blind I discovered QQ.  Shove.  Call with Q/10 (his "favorite" hand (donkey!!!).  The flop brought a jack, the turn a king, and the river an ace for his broadway.  This player is very smug and not popular and was cocky about it.  We went heads up later when he shoved with A2 suited, and I snap called with KK.  My pair held up, back in it.  

Last hand of the evening, in the big blind unraised with the biggest stack limping from the button.  I have K/7.  The flop is 9/7/3.  I shove, he calls with......K/9.  I am so totally screwed and out in 4th place for a win of $124.  Felt great despite a couple of bad beats just to cash again.  

Monday, May 9, 2016

My Day

Lots of stuff rolling around in my head like the steel balls in an old school pinball machine.  Man, I used to love those, even owned one in middle school (long story, remind me to tell you about it...involves a cousin, a neighbor friend, and a trip to Disneyland).  But I digress.  The last couple of weeks have been tough, 1st world style, with my house totally a wreck from remodelling.  The master bedroom closet has been reduced in size to enlarge the kitchen and provide a pantry.  So, all the clothes and other stuff is now in the living room.  The kitchen now has a new countertop, but the sink will not be installed until this afternoon.  It has been out of commission for 2 days.  The plates, glasses and silverware are piling up on the kitchen island, which also holds boxes of food from the cabinets.  Other stuff from the cabinets are on the dining room table and living room floor.  The downstairs bathroom sink has been out for weeks.  The plumber will be installing the new sink today, along with the kitchen.  I am getting the water for my morning coffee from the other bathroom.  The new laundry room on the main floor is done except for new doors.  Furniture is piled up and the contents of the former closet are in the guest bedroom on a folding table.  Where the heck are we going top put all that stuff?  Like I said, 1st world problem.

My other concerns are more serious.  My friend, Don (not the Phoenix high school poker friend), a lifelong Cannon Beach resident, 86 years old, fell down his steps at home and laid there for a day or two.  I had tried calling him with no answer, and had driven by late but seen a light on so just luck that he was discovered....along with concerned daughters and local shopkeeper who saw his mail was not being collected. He has been in the hospital, rehab, back to hospital and is not doing well.  We had coffee together several times a week for many years, and he has many friends here.  I am hoping for a recovery but not optimistic.

Yesterday, I took Milo in for grooming.  It was a bad experience for the groomer as Milo had not been there for 2 or 3 months and was heavily matted.  I have an excuse for that having to do with a rash he suffered.  Plus, he was sensitive about touching his face and feet, snapping at her several times.  She is worried about being bitten (he has never really done that), so unless he can behave she is done with him.  Also, she was unable to clip his toenails, so now I have to take him to the vet for that job.  The simple joys of pet ownership.   

Monday, May 2, 2016

Seattle Visit

Just returned from a short visit to my Seattle family.  It was great to see Eva, Meg and Vinay and hang out downtown.  Every time I go the traffic and busyness of the big city both frustrate and amaze me.  Guess I have been living in a small town too long.

Now, to the topic of poker.  I am very discouraged right now.  I have been consistently losing despite (in my humble opinion) playing pretty well.  The cards have just been running seriously against me.  My last outing in Wheeler was very frustrating and soured me on poker for now.  I was dealing table 1 (did not want to deal at all, but cannot refuse my friend Mike's request) and dealt myself pocket 6's.  As frequent readers may recall, they have been unlucky for me...bouncing me out of a Seattle tournament hitting sets twice).  It may have something to do with 666 and a message God or the devil is sending me.  Anyway, I limped in with them (see "set mining"), and was really happy to flop 2/6/K.  The aggressive player to my right bet $150 into the approximately 200 pot, and with players behind, I flat called hoping for a raise.  One caller and the rest folded.  The turn brought a Q, so when the initial player checked, I bet $150 into the $650 pot.  It looked like kind of a weak stab, and again hoping for the raise so I could get all my chips in.  No such luck as only one caller, the original bettor folding.  The turn brought a 10, and I again bet $150 as a value bet, figuring I might get a crying call.  Instead I get a raise to $450.  What?  Putting the player on two pair, I call.  He has AJ for the rivered backdoor straight.  WTF????

Now short stacked I shove with 9/9 and pick up blinds and one limper.  Still short, I deal myself Q/Q, and with some limpers I bet $350 (About 1/2 my stack).  One caller.  The flop is ace high, and when checked to me I shove.  He calls, showing......ready for it......AJ.  Done in by the same medium strength hand.  I am now super on tilt (and out of the game) and it is only 7:20, the game starting at 7:00.  I am faced with dealing the rest of the night, until probably 10:30 or 11:00.  We are combining tables so I ask Mike if he will deal for me.  I am done.  He agrees and I drive home.

The next day I see the guy who got most of my chips with his backdoor draw and we discuss the hand in detail.  He says that if I had bet bigger on the turn he would have folded.  O.K.  Except with the dry flop I really did not want him to fold.  He said, "I put you on either a king or a medium pair".  O.K.  I pointed out how wrong he was.  I then, using my pocket odds poker calculator, showed him how he was getting incorrect to make any call as he was not getting good odds, even if I had something like K/3 or a medium pair.  His odds were horrible and he caught his 3 outer.  An ace on the river would have netted me all of his chips I believe.

Thinking back on my play of the hand, I really cannot fault myself.  Yes, I probably should have bet more on the turn, something like 1/2 the pot size, but again who can see a dry flop go runners here?  When you have the near nuts it is important to maximize your yield as most players are drawing dead or nearly dead.  I believe that it is a huge mistake to push people off their hands with oversize bets.  My friend?  He ended up chopping 1st and 2nd.  You're welcome.