Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mis-Playing The Player

There is an adage in poker, that it is a people game played with cards.  I llike that idea.  If you frequently play with the same folks you have a pretty good idea how they play, including tendencies and tells.  Many times you are far better off by playing the player rather than playing your cards.

Last night I got caught mis-playing the player.  Our resident pro was on the button with me in the big blind with 5/2.  He is an aggressive and tricky player, so when he open limped on the button I should have clicked in the tricky part when he did not raise.  I enjoyed a big stack, probably 2nd or 3rd at the table so perhaps that was why?  I know that he "credits" me for being "a tight ass player" as he has called me that, as well as folding big bets to my 3 bets.  So, when the flop came down A/A/5, my immediate thought was that I had the best hand.  I checked, he bet, I called. The turn was a 9, I led out as my earlier call screamed strength, and he flat called.  With around 1200 remaining in my stack, and 750 in his, I shoved the river when a jack came.  He called, saying "If you have AJ, you got me", and showing A9 for the full house.  I sheepishly folded.

Knowing what I know about him and his assessment of my game, I think I would probably play the same way the next time, perhaps factoring in "trickiness" more.  Later on I saw him lose a big chunk of my chips calling down a board with 2 kings....he didn't have one, but the other guy did.  They seemed to have some history, with Pro calling him his nemesis.

My remaining chips were lost on my shove with A/10 middle position (450 chips, blinds at 75/150), to the big blind who is definitely the most conservative tight player in our game. He would fold anything but huge ace or big pairs.  Rut Row!, he had me dominated with AK.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Also was a shitty dealer last night. One misdeal, a couple of other flubs that no one caught (for instance burn error), and my best, bringing the flop before I dealt any cards!! In my defense, there were distractions going on and tough enough to play and deal. I had not planned to deal but when asked......despite being impaired by my "Old Chubb" pre-game beer.