Thursday, February 4, 2016

Birthday Boy Bad Beat

At Wheeler last night it was Robert's 83rd birthday.  He easily claims the "honor" of being the oldest poker player in our game.  He was wearing his baseball cap sideways gangsta/kid style.  Funny.  He claimed that it was his good luck since he had won the Friday tournament with his hat worn that way.

Alas, it was not to be his night.  He was seated at table 2, and when there was some commotion we got up to see what was going on.  Robert had a pair of aces, another player had a pair of kings.  The flop was A/K/x.  Lucky Robert, right?  Nope, the river brought the last king and Robert was eliminated by quads.  Straighten that hat out, Robert!!!!

I have been running so bad lately that last night was no big surprise for me.  Never really got any traction and lost last hand with a short stack calling a big raise from his AK suited with my QJ off. The flop left me drawing almost dead, A/A/10.  No gutshot draw as the king fills him up.  My only chance is runner runner 8/9.  Nope.

On a side note, on the drive home I am always vigilant for critters crossing the road ahead of me, particularly elk as they will probably kill you.  So, what do I see next to the road?  A young wolf I think.  Might be wrong as not aware they are around here, but sure looked like it.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

Probably a coyote. Anyway, I was bitching earlier about my bad luck. Monday I decided to play the cash game for a couple hours and Hector gave me a gut shot 5 of hearts on the river for a straight flush wheel and $200 (plus a nice pot). Guess I should bitch more often.

I used to see coyotes, badgers and owls all the time when I lived in the trailer park by Columbia Center (100 years ago back in the early 1980s) but now it's too built up for any "wild" animals.

Miss seeing you. Hope you have better luck in the next tournament.