Thursday, March 12, 2015


I missed my Wednesday Wheeler tournament this week.  Instead I went to Portland to attend a memorial service.  2 weeks ago a Cannon Beach friend, Emery Sundberg, succumbed to complications from a surgical procedure he had months ago.  His home was a couple of blocks from our ice cream store (now bakery/coffee shop) and he and his family were frequent visitors.  After closing our place I would see him occasionally and we would talk for a few minutes.  Every once in a while we would have coffee with another friend.  I dubbed our coffee group the "Young Liberal Democrats" to serve as cover for the roaring liberal population here.  Emery had me on his email forward list and I got tons of political comment and cartoons on a regular basis, and even set up a file for them because I hated to delete them.  I just counted them and there are 542 of them.  The last one was in December.  I am very sorry that I did not know about his illness, but it would not have been like him to talk about it, or himself.  He was a gentleman, a patriot (Seabees in Korea), and a good friend.  We will all miss him, RIP.

1 comment:

7 Dewey said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. It's a sad fact of getting older that we must endure more of those losses as time goes on. He sounds like a great guy and you have good memories so he's still with you. Take care.