Saturday, December 27, 2014

Don't Forget About the Button!!!!

Last night's "adventure in pokerland" included my dealing table 2 as usual.  I almost didn't, telling people I had a 30% better chance of cashing by concentrating solely on playing, but on the other hand, a 100% chance of my poker not costing me as much by dealing.  Plus, I am coming down with a monster cold.  I made a couple of mistakes dealing, including shoving a pot to a player before I dealt the river card (don't laugh, have seen the "professionals" do this several times).  Anyway, the all-in player did not improve and was gone.

Had to make a couple of monster laydowns early, including one where I flopped a 5 high straight (playing A/5 spades, flop was 234 with 2 clubs).  I bet big, about pot size of 600, with 1100 behind me and got one nemesis Robert.  The turn brought a very bad card for me, a 5, and I bet only $350 (sign of weakness if you are paying attention).  Robert then went all-in and I folded face-up.  It may have been a chopped pot, but he is known to draw for gutshots.  The player next to me had a sour look and said, "I folded 6/7"....he did not draw to a gutshot which would have been very bad for Robert.

Luckily for me, the very next hand I had KK, shoved was called, and recovered a big chunk of my chips, still below starting stack. Then, on the last hand before the break, I ran into trouble.  Limping in the hijack with 8/9 of hearts, the flop came Q/8/9 with 2 clubs.  The UTG player bet $300 and I re-raised all-in putting him on a flush draw.  The button, who I had forgotten was even in the hand, shoved over the top of me.  The original bettor tanked, and finally folded, turning over A/8 of clubs.  It probably helped him find the fold when the button said "I think we are going to chop".  I immediately knew he had 10/J for the flopped straight, and worse,  the UTG had one of my outs!  So, I was gone (but still had to deal) until the final table formed.  I left without collecting my tips.  Oh, yeah, the final table was down to 4 players and Robert had a monster stack......

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