Great googly moogly. That's a lot of information in a very short time. I basically agree about the JJ because that's pretty much the way I play 99 through QQ. As somebody once said, if you're not folding winners, you're not playing right.
As for the continuation betting, this has always been a problem for me. I'm going to have to listen to this a few more times and think about it. Good information. Thanks.
1 comment:
Great googly moogly. That's a lot of information in a very short time. I basically agree about the JJ because that's pretty much the way I play 99 through QQ. As somebody once said, if you're not folding winners, you're not playing right.
As for the continuation betting, this has always been a problem for me. I'm going to have to listen to this a few more times and think about it. Good information. Thanks.
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