I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are many more than 2 things that drive my crazy, but let's stick to a couple in poker for now. This morning I was waiting for my O8 6 handed game to start. I was the 2nd person to join the table. Cards are dealt, heads up. Now, heads up split pot games are usually a big time loser since the rake comes off the top and most pots are a chop. Anyhow, before I can click "sit out next hand", the cards come to me and low and behold, I have a king high flush. Nice. Gotta bet it though in case low cards come for a split or the board pairs. I bet, she calls. Turn, no sweat, I bet, she calls. River....perfect....no low, board not paired, I bet, she raises!!! WTF!!!! I call, she shows ace high flush. Now, that drives me crazy.
Second thing driving me crazy. In O8 I typically see the flop around 70% of the time. While that sounds very loose and high, keep in mind most pots are not raised pre-flop and on most tables about 6 or 7 players will call, so pot odds favor a call. You are in the blinds and only $5 to call from SB, and the button is, well, the button. Just saying, many hands are playable in late position with a multi-way limped pot. There are some hands I will not play no matter what (quads, trips..unless aces with a K, or 2, really raggedy hands with no connectors, suitedness, pair or ace. Think 2/7/10/k rainbow on the raggedy hand. As we know, any hand can flop huge, but generally we are better off starting with strong hands. So, this morning I routinely mucked the above mentioned hand, despite decent pot odds, only to see the flop 2/2/7. Lynne, you like apples? How do you like them apples? (Just watched Good Will Hunting again). Huge pot, won by some garbage flush. Drives me crazy.
1 comment:
Actually, I'm more into pears and peaches, but that's just frickin' funny! I also think it's funny that you mentioned watching "Good Will Hunting" because I was thinking about watching it again after reading something about Matt Damon on Yahoo only 10 minutes before I read your post. I guess I better go get it from Netflix right now! Hope you have a great weekend & good luck at the Legion if you're playing today.
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