Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You Might Be A Donk if...........

You might be a donk if:

You call a big raise out of position with any two suited cards

You raise out of the blinds after many limpers with a weak ace.

You call a big raise with a weak ace.

You go all in with a small pair with more than 20 big blinds.


7 Dewey said...

Oh, boy. I'm in trouble - LOL!! Just kidding. I read these through a couple of times just to be sure of myself and I am happy to report that I don't think I've done ANY of these things recently. This is good! Looking forward to seeing you next week. Hope you've recovered from the pressure washing!

Phil said...

Just met super donk. Online tournament, guy raises big with A/10 offsuit. Another player re-raises with A/3 offsuit. I shove with 9/9. Winner? A3 hit trips.

Phil said...

Jeesh, happened again, different tournament (was not involved). On a flop of 10/5/3, 3 players get all in, one with 10/J, another with A/5, and the last with A/3/. trip 3 wins.