Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poker With Maniacs

Lately I have been seated with maniacs in both online cash and tournament games. Last night playing pot limit omaha was a prime example. The player 2 to my right was raising every hand, in every position by pot when it was his action. It was a deep stack game and I had decided to buy in for the maximum. I tried playing really really tight, but will never fold AA23 preflop to any bets. Sure enough when I would play my premium hands the flop would come out all of one suite, or high only cards, etc. Getting stuck with high buy ins is no fun. Finally, he whittled his own stack down and seemed to calm down. My worst hand came when I flopped the nut straight and nut low. It got jammed and rejammed with a different player and he rivered the perfect card to chop chop the entire thing. Here is the bad part. We both lost money on it due to the 5% rake imposed by Ultimate Bet. With a high low split game this is totally BS.

Finally, I got a big scoop pot, made some money and quit. I am thinking seriously of quitting the omaha games due to the rake factor. It is just too difficult to beat the rake. This is true about poker in general. Those that play too many hands in particular contribute more than their fair share to the house. My overall stats show a 40% see the flop rate, but I play a whole lot of omaha with an average of over 60% seeing the flop.

Today's players, worst luckiest ever. Lots of limpers, me in a blind with QQ, I shove get 2 callers. 1st has 6/8 suited, the other has K/10 offsuit. Flop comes with a 6 and another on the river. I am down 1/2 my chips. Another tournament, I pick up AA under the gun, I raise, am called by a bigger stack with Q/7 offsuit, another player reraises me, I go all-in, and am called by Q/7 who manages to hit trips. Just not my day against the donks.

1 comment:

7dewey said...

This is just one more reason I don't think I will ever play online. Good luck with those maniacs! (That was me on the previous post's comment - having trouble with the word verification on my stupid computer.)