Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Expensive Tournament Hours

Being on the bubble for hours in the upcoming tournament I made the early drive from the coast to play some. Got in a game around 2:30 and played enough to qualify. Only problem it cost me $300.

I was cruising along with a small loss until the cowboy moved to the table. A very good player to my right told me that he was a complete donkey, calling down with bottom pair every time, sometimes betting it. He ended up costing me $200 or more. I snapped him early with a turned straight but he raised in early position with 7/2 (seven dewey!!!), Twee calls the $5 raise and I see my pocket jacks, just calling. It was not intended as a bluff opportunity, he was way too dense for that. They were sssoooooted! The flop came with a 7 and he bets $15 which Twee calls, I raise to $35 and he calls, Twee folds. Turn, small card, he bets $20 and I raise. River a 2, he bets I call and lose to his two pair.

Later, I get aces snapped, good player raises big with pocket kings, I reraise. He hits his king on the flop.

My last hand, agains the cowboy, he raises $10 under the gun with A/4 offsuit. I have pocket kings. I reraise $20 to isolate him. He calls. The flop.....A/4/x. All the rest of my chips ($10) goes in. I quit.

Unrelated story, but a super bad beat was in an omaha game online. One player has JJAQ, the other is playing KKQ2. The flop is: JK8. The turn K, the river J. Quad over quad. The jacks guy was totally stunned.


7dewey said...

Seven dewey! HEE HEE!! It is too laugh - it's too bad it is at your expense. Sorry Phil!!

7Dewey said...

Seven dewew - how gross! Who on earth would ever raise under the gun with a 7-2? Who I ask you? Sorry to be laughing at your expense. Better luck next time.

7Dewey said...

Did not mean to leave TWO comments. Having trouble with computer - sorry!!