Yesterday hit a new low note in my poker career. I took a particularly heinous beat in the 2:00 Bridge $110. buy in tournament. We had just consolidated to 2 tables, and I was seated with the chip leader (by a very wide margin). She had knocked several players out already, but I had around 5000 chips, and was playing pretty well. Several players limped in, including her, for $200 + 25 antes, for around a $1250 pot. I was in the big blind, and when action got to me, I looked down at.....pocket aces!!! I did not want to check as there were way too many in the pot, so I raised 1,000 to thin the herd. Action to our chip leader who re-raises me all-in! After everyone else folds, I immediately call, expecting to see kings, queens or maybe jacks. Even better, she has re-raised with J/7 suited!!! I never relax, and she has been lucky, and the flop unfortunately has a jack. The turn produces a flush draw, and the river........a 7!!! I am out and stunned. This is just sick. Not one to fail to get back in the saddle, I go to the moose, lose more money (rescued slightly when I flop a straight flush wheel for $155 monte carlo bonus). Not a good weekend for me.
Now to the "moon is full" part of the story. Last night on the $10/20 game an older player, we will call him "Bob" (not Pischel), is flipped off by another player when Bob heckles him for drawing out on his two pair. He stands up, walks around to the other player, and.....drops his pants and moons him!!!! This is just too funny! He is kicked out of the casino for the day and we all laugh about it. Not bad entertainment for the money.
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