The last two days at the moose have been very good to me, up $150 and $400 on consecutive days. The tables have been exceedingly "soft", with day 1 a very passive and loose game, and day 2 a very aggresive loose/weak table. I am continually amazed at people calling and overcalling against obvious strength from tight players. A good example was last night a tight player raises out of the small blind in a 4/8 kill. I had limped with k/10 offsuit on the button, and was regretting the first call, but with 5-6 callers and position on the raiser was o.k. to stay in. The flop: K/7/4 all clubs. The raiser bets, everyone calls, and I decide to find out about my king by raising (also had the 10 clubs). He just calls and "Angela" sitting to my right, also calls. Everyone else folds. The turn is a blank, I bet $16 and raiser calls as does "Angela". River is a second 4, raiser checks, "Angela" checks and I check . Raiser shows pocket JJ (there you go Lynne), and Angela slow rolls 8/4 offsuit!!!! WTF!!! How you even call one bet with that one amazes me, then to stay to the river with bottom pair with that board and that action is crazy. Her stack is soon gone as predicted, and another $100 bill appears. I don't really understand how some people can afford to play poker with their "skills".
Now for another life lesson for my (few) readers. I think that life is really just a series of decisions, exactly like a poker game. We are constantly choosing what game to play, what stakes to play, if we want to participate in a hand, whether to raise or call or fold, continue playing until midnight or quit, etc. I believe that success in life as well as in poker depends mostly upon the quality of our decisions. If we analyze what we are doing and always try to make the best decisions based on the information we have in front of us, we can be successful.
Life as well as poker is a game of incomplete information. We never have complete certainty (well, with the possible exception of flopped royal flushes in poker) , but if we do everything in our power to gain as much information as possible and use our wisdom , judgement, and instincts to make the best decision we can, then we have done all we can to affect a good result. That said, we never ever have 100% good outcomes no matter how much experience, etc. we bring to bear. Aces are "cracked" all the time by 8/4 offsuit. But, the long range picture for the person making the best decisions constantly is much better than the alternatives.